Helping you plan effectively
Whether you are seeking an understanding of total available market value, or determining the number of active athletes in a given sporting discipline or event type, we have extensive experience in modelling and quantifying value, alongside analysis of athletes & sports participation by category.
Accurate quantification of the endurance sport market is crucial for our clients to plan effectively. At MultiSport Research we leave no stone unturned. Our vigorous methodology ensures reliable quantification of markets, sectors and segments. Put simply, our category quantification is ‘from the bottom up’.
Extensive desk research at a local, regional & international level
Databases of race results
Online price tracking tools & retail store checks
Trade interviewing
Relationships with industry players
We ask the key questions to get to the bottom of what’s going on in the market.
To help track share and market position round the clock, we also have experience in building continuous data services. Produced by MultiSport Research, a dedicated database stores sales data each month, with data aggregated for all participating companies… delivering regular, frequent and reliable market tracking.